What to wear
Boots: Cowboy/girl. If you don't have them, make sure you have closed toe shoes.
Hats: Cowboy/girl, or ball cap.
Jeans: If you don't have jeans make sure you wear pants. We will be riding through woods and you may brush into trees with your leg.
Do not wear scarves or dresses.
About our Horses
All riders must weigh 200lbs. or under for the type of horses we have.
An average healthy horse can comfortably carry 20% of his body weight. Most of our horses weigh around 1000 lbs, However this also depends on the age and physical condition of the horse. Some horses have an early onset of arthritis or other physical conditions. This means a 1500lb horse may only still be able to carry 200lbs. However a healthy 1200lb horse in great physical condition most likely will be able to carry the full 20%.
Your Wrangler knows the horses and will best fit the horse for your and his comfort level! Each year new horses come in and we adjust horses according to their ability.
When you fill out your ride request form please be honest and feel free to talk about your personality. If you are feeling nervous or confident this will also help your Wrangler find the best match for you! If you have any questions feel free to send a note and someone should get back to you within 24 hrs.
Staying with us and you are over the weight limit? Please check out our non mounted activities!
Rides available for folks not staying with us
Shave Tail Ride: $55 1 hour from mount to dismount. Great for beginners or folks who would like a relaxing ride through the woods. Your Wrangler will meet you and introduce you to your horses, help you adjust to riding in the riding ring and then head to a trail and finish with a few fun photos. Ages 10 and up.
Chuck Line: $120 1.5 hours. Experienced riders only. Wranglers will meet you on site and then truck up to the National Forest trail entrance. A very scenic ride through cattle pastures and creeks. Stop for photos and enjoy! Ages 18 and up.
Cabin Guest riding
Rides available for folks staying with us only
Mounted Lesson Experiences
Private 30 minute 1 on 1 lesson in ring with our Wranglers $30 Working with you at your comfort level. Here we will start with something you would like to know more about or help you become more comfortable riding independently. We will work with you and a horse that would be the best fit for the activity you would like to do.
Private 30 minute trail lesson $30 Let's head out to the trail and work with movement and confidence building. We will only ride at a pace that you and your horse are comfortable with.
Mounted Games $30 Some fun activities for you and your group to have fun with in the ring! age related challenges.
Un Mounted Activities
Private 30 minute horsemanship lesson $30 Here you will work on the ground. This is the most important to the Horse. How does the horse move with us? These are the beginning steps of starting or training or just meeting a new horse. These important steps are what help us communicate efficiently and safely with the horse and what carries over to the saddle.
Private 30 min solo or with your group Therapeutic experience $30 An introduction to how horses work with or can help you. Horses look for peace, companionship and are always in the moment. We humans tend to have "what ifs". This puts us in the future and in the past. How can we experience the moment and "Just Be". How does our emotional state effect our physical behavior which than changes the reaction of others around us. An advanced Rider will work on the horse - An expert Rider will work on themselves
Pony Cart activities. $25 cash direct to your wrangler
take a short jaunt in our cart, great for young people and those young at heart
learn how to hitch and drive. A great activity for folks over 16 who would like to learn the basics of team driving They may be small but they are mighty!
Trail Rides
1 hour trail for your group $45
1.5 -2 hour National Forest ride for your group Price will depend on Trail
A few extra add-ons: price dependent on trail
Engagements: We love engagements. We have seen some fun ideas by you all. Send an Email and we can help you plan!
Lunch Ride